One electronic copy should be submitted to for review before January 1 for the Spring issue and July 1 for the Fall issue. Papers should be typed, double spaced, and less than 25 pages in length (excluding references, charts, figures); they should conform to the latest edition of the APA style manual. Papers should also include a 150-250 word abstract. No author identification should appear in the text except on the title page, which includes author name(s), address, phone, e-mail, institutional affiliation, and a brief history of the paper. All papers should be submitted via email as Microsoft Word attachments.

All submissions are assumed to be original. They should not be published elsewhere or concurrently under review. Previously presented papers should be noted on the title page as to where, under what circumstance (organization, date of presentation, section). The title page should also indicate if the research was funded through any grant program, if any paper is co-authored, or if the author received assistance from others. 

Send inquiries to: 

Erin Gilles, Ph.D. (CO-Editor)

University of Southern Indiana
Department of Communication
3087 Liberal Arts Building
8600 University Blvd.
Evansville, IN 47712



Kentucky Wesleyan College
Communication Arts
3000 Frederica Street
Owensboro, KY 42301